Bendy Girl

The Guru of Nuru

Nuru massage and tantric exploration in Las Vegas, NV

Conscious genuine connection, deep relaxation, safe intimate erotic exploration.

Returning to a long lost lover, I offer time and space in my own home and my real life. Join me at my discrete getaway located close to the strip in Las Vegas, NV.

Beautifully decorated, dedicated Nuru room, that will make you feel right at home, allowing you to relax and truly let go with me. I offer you genuine friendship, mutual worship, and endless pleasure.

I will nurture you, care for you, as a true healer, teacher and friend. No clock watching, just precious revitalizing time well spent together.

It is my highest joy to offer you a warm, welcoming heart and a soft place to land.


To a place where freedom resides, desires are heard, and eroticism is offered. Dive deep into a world where sensuality is offered as a panacea to all that ails your intimate life through erotic relaxation.