SexRX: Daily Habits for Intimate Living

SexRX: Daily Habits for Intimate Living


READ TIME: 10 min. 45 sec.

Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.


It’s not unusual for the conversation of our session to turn to health and intimate function. Intimate Fitness, after all, is my very favorite therapy. Given that I conduct my time with you in my own personal biohacking room makes it quite convenient. If you have spent any time reading my blogs, it quickly becomes clear that daily habits for intimate fitness is kind of my thing =) But bring a sick dick into the conversation and I’m all ears! Fitness is fitness and when dicks don’t work, we must dig far deeper than in our drawers. A breakdown of any system should be seen as a wakeup call to examine the entire being. When examining the being we are forced to realistically look at our lifestyle. The ONE way to immediately shift your life, enhance your health and wake up your spirit is to adopt daily habits that encourage you to look within.

Bodies fascinate me. I believe with all my heart that the opportunity to touch someone deeply, with the sole intent to heal, is a great honor. I adore helping someone take the first steps toward a path to wholeness. Self-enlightenment does not need to be elusive, it is simply a path where your own center is the destination. You know that one life you have? At any moment of any day - you can choose to change it, expand it, shift it and start fresh. If things are going great - how can you maximize/optimize what you already have going on? Or if you are at the bottom of the mountain with no rope to climb, how the hell can you ever get to the top? Both answers to these questions, no matter where you stand, begin and end with you.

Our Future Can Be Found in Our Daily Habits!

This blog can serve as a starting point (or refresher) for you to develop your own daily routines and habits to optimize your life. It truly is the small things that really matter. This list is not intended to kick your ass, it is intended to wake you up to the simplicity of small changes that can cascade into tremendous benefits. As American children we were taught to make our bed, brush our teeth and take a bath. I was never taught anything beyond that. As children we are not taught daily living habits that could enhance life, amplify health, support emotional well-being, uplift the spirit and make self-care more manageable. We just went to doctors, after all they must know best, right?

Many ancient cultures developed practices that blended ethical/spiritual/physical daily rites. These created what we call the mind/body/spirit practices that so many Americans have turned to for decades. These practices were developed to fine tune the sensory system, balance the physical body and encourage a flowering of the immense potential locked in all of us. In many cultures, a fine-tuned physical instrument with a sense of higher purpose was the deepest desired outcome for one’s life.

All Good Things Come From Within

Biohacking has revealed daily habits as the new exercise. Read a bit more about the daily habits of biohacking in this article from Medium. But I have news for BH’ers >> Ayurveda has always known this and has emphasized the importance of grabbing our day right at the beginning. Taking the time in the morning to wake your senses, check-in on the subconscious, offer gratitude, move your body and be silent: can change the course of your day and your level of personal productivity. Every worthwhile thing has its origins within the individual. Cultivating a life of deep awareness where we can be our own witness, is the best medical insurance that can be bought anywhere. When our health is not a constant battle, we can expand beyond ourselves and be of service to others. When we are living in our highest truth we can show up for the world and do marvelous work for all.

Listed below are simple and repeatable habits that can ideally become as second nature as brushing your teeth. I find my routines keep me from mindlessly rushing headfirst into the day.

  1. Leave a copper cup with pure water out over night for the morning. Ayurveda secret.

  2. Wake up 90 minutes before anything is expected of you. Ideally an hour before sunrise. This offers you quiet time to go through your morning routines without feeling rushed. Waking up early is a great habit to assure you have me time. Waking up early balances’ circadian rhythms, stabilizes appetite and just gives more life to your day.

  3. Don’t rush out of bed. Once your eyes open, take time to breath in the day. Put your hands on your belly and simply say good morning to yourself. Move slow and feel your body along the way. Imagine starting your day the same way you would sip a glass of fine wine.

  4. I am quite fortunate to have 2 kitties that I love deeply - my first words out of my mouth are always sweet, kind and with love. Start your morning in silence, humming or singing to wake up your brain and to bring sweetness to the morning.

  5. Head to the kitchen, place a piece of sea salt on your tongue and set a pot of water on the stove to heat. Pour a tiny bit of water from the copper cup into your RIGHT palm and pour it in your mouth. Swish the water around and swallow. This sends information to your gut from the microbes that came up overnight on your skin and in your mouth from your digestive system. This is how the body creates its own personalized antibiotics to combat any issues that are on the rise. This habit enhances the bodies ability to heal itself. Yes, it works!

  6. Head to the bathroom - Wash your hands and face with cold water. This closes your pours and clears any bacteria from overnight. Plus it’s a great way to wake yourself up. Swish oil around in your mouth as long as you can (oil pulling) It takes time to build up these muscles, ghee/sesame is best. Rinse your mouth with hot water and brush your teeth. America toothpaste kills bacteria in the mouth. A powder toothpaste that does not destroy the microbes in the mouth is best. Scrape your tongue (the end of a spoon works perfectly) until it makes you gag and rinse again.

  7. Head to the kitchen - Pour your hot water in a cup, I add Quinton water and 2 hydrogen tabs.

  8. Head outside - Sip your hot water outside where you can take your first big breaths in nature. If it is still dark out, all the better. This is a time to take in nature, offer gratitude and hallow the day. It doesn’t matter what time of year it is, hot or cold >> get yer butt outside. The cool morning air enhances the body’s ability to self-regulate, and it is tremendous for immune function. Get over your aversion to the cold, it’s simply good for you. Embrace the sun! After a bit on the deck. It’s typically potty time. Take care of business within 15 - 30 (tops) from the time you wake up.

  9. There is a reason we are instinctively drawn to sunrise and sunset. Sungazing at the just right time of day - is deeply energizing and gives rise to holy moments of grace, faith and deeply connects you to the natural world. Make it a habit to be outside to watch the colors of the sky change, at the beginning and end of your day.

  10. Move while fasting: Morning movement/exercise are not about fitness at all. Ancient practices utilize specific moments to energize the body and to fine tune our ability to listen to our system. The Five Tibetans, Qigong/TaiChi and Yoga are intended to make you a master of YOU! A beautiful physique is simply a ramification of doing the hard work.

  11. What type of exercise is the best for EVERYONE??? The one you will actually do! Pick your physical activity based on what you love, it is the only way you will keep it up for life. Whatever you choose should be fun and something you look forward to doing on a regular basis. Even the hard stuff should make you laugh and giggle at yourself once completed. I feel it is imperative to set yourself up for success. All my workout gear is in one room so I can walk in, and just get it on! Decision fatigue can be a killer when it comes time to working out. I find it is best to always plan your morning workout at least the night before.

  12. Hot and cold thermogenesis: I end my workout with a session in my low EMF dry sit in steamer, then I head to the cold shower followed by my ocean swim. I never miss a day. It is a great way to wake-up every single system in the body.

  13. Get outside everyday - I use my deck as my living-room. If I want to sit down or relax. I always do it outside.

  14. Eat live real food every day. I rely on dense nutritional powders to fill in the gaps.

  15. End of day: Drink a glass of hot water with a few grains of sea salt. Sit outside and digest your day. Take time to let go of any stress you would otherwise carry to bed. Be gentle with yourself and set your plan to take over the world the next day. Let it all go at night for each day is a new opportunity to be your best self. When things go wrong always remind yourself that this too shall pass, and every little thing is gonna be ok!

We do not need to wait for health to feel whole, nor do we need to wait for mystical moments to feel awe. We know we can change our body through mindful cultivation. Well guess what, we can also slow down our brain waves and change the mind. The word meditation means to become familiar with the current self so you do not have to return to the old you. Daily routines give us an opportunity to check in on a regular basis. Consistent action, makes us conscious of our unconscious thoughts, notice auto habits, consistent behaviors and we can become aware of the emotions that keep us anchored to old un-beneficial ways. Daily ritual offers us an opportunity to plan our behaviors, to become familiar with a new state of mind while cultivating new experiences. Every day can be inspirational defined by a vision of a bright future you actually want to show up for. When we repeat and cultivate this state it becomes familiar. Your mind and body can live in the future rather than being stuck in the past. It takes time and consistency to pull your brain and body out of past and more it forward into a new future. We are creators of our own destiny and mindful daily routines can offer the tools necessary to change our lives. Self-care daily routines are an act of personal love. The love we offer ourselves, keeps us in tune to the love life has to offer us.

I hope you find value in the words above. May we all see that our lives are well worth the extra effort. Taking your health, wellbeing and spiritual unfolding into your own hands is the greatest act of self-love!



BendyGirl the Guru of Nuru

My journey is one of a lifelong educator and dedicated yogi intertwines with the profound path of Tantra. My ethos is rooted in guiding others towards a life marked by peace, joy, and an ever-curious soul, nurturing a heightened state of self-awareness. My passion lies in reviving ancient folk medicines, adapting their timeless wisdom to address contemporary needs. Touch, for me, is more than a mere physical interaction; it's a powerful conduit for building empathic connections and enriching my practice. My deepest aspiration is to empower others to embrace a life filled with sensuality and passion, encouraging them to boldly pursue their deepest desires and to seek a fulfilling journey towards a joyous culmination of their own Happy ending.


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